The housing market seems to have recovered and new construction for new homes and commercial properties is on the rise. Add to that we are starting October with a Category 5 brewing in the Atlantic and a (hopefully inaccurate) forecast of a busy hurricane season in front of us.  So if you are in the construction industry, there will be an even greater need for efficiency responmding to any damage and making repairs as needed as well as maintaining the workload for existing and upcoming projects.  This is where GPS fleet tracking with InTouchGPS comes in. We offer affordable product and service that help construction companies increase profits and reduce costs in a myriad of ways.

Here are three:

Scalable Fleet Tracking

How large is a project? How many fleet vehicles will be needed to address those needs. Accurate reporting and historica and real time data allows you to make better business decisions. With increased business intelligence and route and job behavior, you can make forecasts and predictions about your needs. We never require contracts so if you need to scale up for a project and then back down- we will always be the exact right size for your needs.


Some areas of the country are already starting to feel freezing temperatures. Is your vehicle being used as climate control according to your policy? How about fuel usage- the greatest cost besides the cost of vehicles themselves of your fleet? While no one can eliminate fuel costs completely, we can make sure that you can determine patterns by vehicle or driver in regards to idling and speed control. You can receive real time alerts if idling is over a certain time you determine as well as receive reports at the frequenecy you determine showing total idle times. The same hold true for speeding- who is speeding, where are they speeding, patterns of behavior documented through reports or in real time through alerts.


Increase Safety

Our GPS fleet tracking offers reports and dashboards that allow you to have full situational awareness of any vehicle you are tracking. This not only includes their speed, but hard braking, hard accelaration and other customizable items on a scorecard. Moreso than this is the fact that drivers simply perform more to their leadership’s expectations when they know they are being monitored. This allows for a safer company all-around.

These are just three of the many ways GPS fleet tracking can help a construction company. We work with almost all types of companies across the United States and help them become more efficient. To learn what we can do for you specifically, contact us today so we can schedule a quick no pressure demonstration of our system or just to answer any questions you may have.